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   beaches      block      defend      fit      indoors      international      lower      Mini-Volleyball      net      once a week      outside      players      popular      serving      smaller      smash      television      to hit the ball down      to make an error      two teams      usual      world      young   

Volleyball is one of the truly global sports, played in sports halls and arenas at the top international level and in the open air, in parks, in open spaces and on throughout the world.
Over 800 million worldwide play volleyball regularly, at least .
This makes Volleyball one of the most indoor team sports in the world.


Volleyball is a game that can cater for all no matter what age or sex, disabled or able-bodied. It can be played both , in a gym or a sports hall or in a park or on the beach.
Different versions of the game also exist so the game can be played two, three and four a side, as well as the more six a side.

Volleyball has come a long way from its origins in 1895, when it was invented in Massachusetts, USA by William G. Morgan as a means to keep businessmen .
Volleyball has grown to become one of the three big team sports, and the FIVB, with its 218 affiliated national federations, is one of the largest international sporting federations in the .
The beach volleyball phenomenon is also hugely visible, and still relatively as an Olympic sport, having been introduced in Atlanta in 1996.
Since then it has enjoyed overwhelming spectator and success at the Sydney and Athens Games, thus opening up Volleyball to a completely new market.


Volleyball, as an indoor sport, is a sport played by made up of a squad twelve players, of which only six are allowed on court at any one time.
The object of the game is on to the floor of the opponent's court or to put them under pressure and force them .
Play starts by one player the ball over the net from behind the baseline.
When the ball has passed over the , the receiving team may hit the ball three times before it must pass back over the net.
The first touch is normally used to play the ball towards the net, to the 'setter'.
The 'setter' then plays the ball along the net for one of the 'attackers' who runs in and jumps up to the ball over the net into the opponent's court.
To against this, one, two or three of the opposing team's front line players jump together and form a to intercept the smash, trying to force the ball back into the attacker's court.
If these players fail to stop the smash, the remaining members of the team attempt to control the ball before it hits the floor and build up an attack of their own.


Volleyball is usually introduced in small sided games, playing 2, 3 or four persons-a-side.
This is often referred to as .
The court is and the net height for younger age groups.

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